Al-Qarawiyyin Mosque

Discovering the Rich Heritage of Al-Qarawiyyin Mosque

Fes is a city of contrasts, where the ancient and the modern exist side by side. One of the most iconic places to visit in this city is the Al-Qarawiyyin Mosque, a monument that has stood the test of time and bears witness to the city’s rich history and heritage.

In this blog post, we will take you on a journey through the centuries and explore the fascinating history of the Al-Qarawiyyin Mosque in Fes.

The History of Al-Qarawiyyin Mosque

The Al-Qarawiyyin Mosque was founded in 859 CE by Fatima al-Fihri, a wealthy Muslim woman who migrated from Tunisia to Fes. Fatima’s goal was to establish a place of learning where scholars could study and exchange knowledge.

Over the years, the mosque became a center of learning and scholarship, attracting students from all over the world. It became one of the most renowned universities of its time, and its library housed some of the most valuable manuscripts of the Islamic world.

The mosque underwent several renovations over the centuries, each adding to its grandeur and beauty. In the 12th century, the Andalusian architect Ali Ibn Khalaf added the minaret, which is still one of the most recognizable features of the mosque. In the 14th century, Sultan Abu Inan Faris added the famous decorated gate, which is considered one of the most beautiful examples of Moroccan architecture.

Al-Qarawiyyin Mosque

Visiting Al-Qarawiyyin Mosque Today

Al-Qarawiyyin Mosque

Today, the Al-Qarawiyyin Mosque is open to visitors, and it remains an important center of learning and scholarship. Visitors are welcome to explore the mosque and its surroundings, taking in the intricate architecture and the peaceful atmosphere.

As you enter the mosque, you will be struck by the beauty of its courtyard, which is surrounded by arches and decorated with intricate tile work. The courtyard is a peaceful oasis in the heart of the bustling city, and it is a perfect place to sit and reflect.

One of the most impressive features of the mosque is the prayer hall, which can accommodate up to 22,000 worshippers. The hall is decorated with stunning stucco work and intricate calligraphy, creating a peaceful and serene atmosphere.

The mosque also houses a library that contains some of the most valuable manuscripts in the Islamic world. The library is open to visitors, but access is restricted, and visitors must be accompanied by a guide.

Tips for Visiting Al-Qarawiyyin Mosque

Here are some tips to help you make the most of your visit to the Al-Qarawiyyin Mosque:

  • Dress appropriately: As with all mosques, visitors are expected to dress modestly. Women should cover their heads and wear long sleeves and skirts, and men should wear long pants and shirts.
  • Respect the rules: Visitors should respect the rules and regulations of the mosque, including removing shoes before entering, refraining from taking photos during prayer times, and being quiet and respectful.
  • Take a guided tour: To fully appreciate the mosque’s history and architecture, it’s a good idea to take a guided tour. Guides can also provide more information on the library’s collection and history.
  • Plan ahead: The mosque can get busy, especially during peak tourist season, so it’s a good idea to plan ahead and arrive early in the day to avoid crowds.
Al-Qarawiyyin Mosque

The Al-Qarawiyyin Mosque is a true gem in the heart of Fes, Morocco, and a testament to the city’s rich history and heritage. Its stunning architecture and fascinating history make it a must-visit destination for anyone traveling to the city. Whether you’re interested in Islamic history, architecture, or simply want to soak up the peaceful atmosphere, a visit to the Al-Qarawiyyin Mosque is an experience you won’t soon forget.

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